Project Benefits

Solar projects preserve the character of the land, strengthen the local economy, and contribute to a healthier environment for all. Pairing solar with energy storage makes it possible to significantly increase the overall supply of clean, affordable, and reliable renewable energy, which benefits consumers and the environment alike.


Utility-scale solar has little to no impact on the underlying land. Drainage is maintained or redesigned to allow for proper water control. Grading and compaction are minimal, and the topsoil is preserved. In addition, solar energy facilities are a great neighbor. They do not create air pollution, odors, contaminated water, or nuisance sounds.

Vegetation Management

Athens Renewable Energy is committed to developing a vegetation management plan which adheres to state and local rules. Development of these plans would include consideration of the most appropriate plants for the area.

A sustainable, low-to-no water source of income

Solar projects require no water to operate, although some water may be used from time to time to clean dust from the panels to ensure they produce the maximum amount of clean energy possible. For this reason, they’re a great way for landowners to earn steady, long-term income without using precious local water resources.


Athens Renewable Energy leases include decommissioning requirements on leased land. Additionally, Athens will create an overall decommissioning plan to ensure the removal of all equipment at the end of the project’s life. Once the equipment is removed, the land can be returned to its original use.


Energy storage plays a vital role in expanding the use of intermittent renewable energy sources like solar. The ability to store extra solar power generated during times of peak production for use during times of peak demand, also makes it possible to significantly increase the overall supply of clean, affordable renewable energy, which benefits consumers and the environment alike.

Do you want to learn even more about Solar and Energy Storage? Check out our Sources page for more resources.